Life of A Goddess

Exciting peeks at the exciting life of a goddess! Mortals, minerals, vegetables and human sacrifices, line up!

Wednesday, January 19, 2005

You are being addressed by your Divine Nutmeg and Parsley.

One of the drawbacks of being a goddess is that you get to listen to loads of really bad poetry composed about and for you. I mean, I really appreciate the thought, honest, I do, and I'm delighted, but when a particularly bad piece of poetry starts to go on and on and doesn't seem to be under seven hundred lines, well, there's only so much you can take. And it's not as if I can tune out these well-meaning poets of mine because as a goddess, you're obliged to listen to every single word your people utter.
Currently, I am being compared to the beauty of nutmeg and parsley by one devotee. I have strange devotees with strange tastes in food! They'd better not start putting nutmeg and parsley as offerings on my altars.


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