Divine Popularity.
Ukko's not very popular at the moment. The agricultural gods and goddesses not to mention some of the river gods are pretty pissed at him for causing a bunch of floods. Zeus isn't too happy himself because he doesn't like it when other sky gods start shooting lightning bolts through the skies, even though it isn't over Greek skies. And Apollo, Hou-Yi, Messede and all the other celestial archers aren't too happy either. Was sunning myself on one of the heavenly balconies, where you can get a pretty good view of the French Riveria, and making bets with Maia and Proserpina on some brewing love triangle taking place between a few mortals down there on the beach when suddenly we see Ukko dashing across the sky in the form of a thunderbolt, with a rain of celestial arrows hot on his pursuit.
Ukko is definitely behind on the temple-building contest.
So far, Met and Vulcan are ties in the number one spot. Met, because of all those threats he's issued upon his builders, and Vulcan because he is the god of smithy and knows how to get things made in quick time. His temples are very beautiful, I must say. Aphrodite is falling behind in her work because she keeps spotting great opportunities for love between her workers and can't resist sparking the romances. And Ma'at, the Egyptian goddess of justice, has given up on the contest. She says it's childish and she's got more important things to concentrate on. Some of the other gods and goddesses say that it's because Ma`at knows she hasn't got a chance of winning but I think that's mean of them. Ma'at does have a very important job after all, and it's true what she says about how it's silly to have a competition about how fast you can build your temples only to have them fall down because of faulty foundation or something or other.
Ukko is definitely behind on the temple-building contest.
So far, Met and Vulcan are ties in the number one spot. Met, because of all those threats he's issued upon his builders, and Vulcan because he is the god of smithy and knows how to get things made in quick time. His temples are very beautiful, I must say. Aphrodite is falling behind in her work because she keeps spotting great opportunities for love between her workers and can't resist sparking the romances. And Ma'at, the Egyptian goddess of justice, has given up on the contest. She says it's childish and she's got more important things to concentrate on. Some of the other gods and goddesses say that it's because Ma`at knows she hasn't got a chance of winning but I think that's mean of them. Ma'at does have a very important job after all, and it's true what she says about how it's silly to have a competition about how fast you can build your temples only to have them fall down because of faulty foundation or something or other.
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